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More about studio artists

Last week I wrote about studio artists in this blog post.

Working from photos isn’t the only choice for a studio artist. Sometimes they set up still life things (Still lifes? Still lives? “Things” works for me.) Sometimes they work from sketches they made outside. Sometimes they paint people who sit still and try not to fidget. Sometimes they finish paintings they began outside.

Sometimes they just make stuff up.

If I tried to paint this scene while sitting here, I might get hit by a car.

I’d fall off the bank if I was standing at my easel here and a car came by. There is no shoulder on this road right here.

Painting from photos is often considered “cheating”, not “real art”, and cheesy by many in the ArtWorld.

Ask me if I care. . . never been very affected by others’ opinions. (“Do you care?” – “Why do you ask?”)

Am I a fake artist? A cheater?

Nope. Don’t think so. Hate that snobbery, so there.

But, I know I could learn if I tried those other things. If I get bored with my current style of painting, or when someone comes along and says “Hey, want to learn how to paint differently? I’ll show you!” and I can fit it into my life, I might say yes. Until then?

I’ll just keep working from my photos.

If I stood on the bridge to paint this scene, I’d flinch and grit my teeth every time a car drove over the seam on the bridge because it makes a loud rattle.

I’m glad we had this little chat. Thanks for listening. Always nice to visit with you all!


  1. Jana, thanks for your kind words on my photos and “eye”. Coming from you, that really means a lot! I think you have an infinite variety of wonderful subjects in your urban setting. . . something about greener grass and fences, perhaps?

  2. That all makes perfect sense to me. And your photos are spectacular! And you have a great eye for the scenery and composition when you take the photo. I wish I had such lovely views but alas, just lots of urban stuff here.

  3. Ok, looking at all your beautiful pictures on your blogs and all the amazing paintings you have done, I am going to re arrange my house, pull out the easel, find the paints and start painting again. I have a few unfinished ones, big surprise. Can I have lessons when I come over to the valley at Christmas if you have time?? You are such an inspiration!!

    • Melissa, let me know when you will be around and we’ll see if we can coordinate a time to paint together.

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