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Mineral King Oil Painting Factory 3

Will these Mineral King oil paintings ever be finished? Yes. Then I’ll have to decide what to paint next. I’ll still need more Mineral King for my inventory (I’m painting ahead for the first time ever – finally have learned that summer starts on Memorial Day weekend and this year I will NOT be surprised.)

Some of these look like the same paintings as in other photos because they are the same paintings. I move them all around depending on their state of dryness. Some of them just look the same because the subjects are the same, only with differing amounts of snow or water or with different lighting.

The bridge is still a little bit too hard for me. It will have to wait until I am out of my Mineral King Oil Painting Factory Mode.

Aren’t these little 4×4″ boards sweet? I can’t sign my name on that size, so only put J.B. They will each sit on a tiny wooden easel, and will be $30 each. A man from Marin Co. told me he saw 2×2″ paintings sitting on tiny easels at $120 each.

Nope. Not moving to Marin County.

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