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Mineral King Bridge, Part 15

You may recall that the estimated date to have the bridge be passable is October 20. That’s today! When we last left our Marshmallow Heads, they had successfully placed all 4 stringers. So, what is going on in this photo??

Give up? The pre-drilled holes on the stringers did not line up with the holes on the horizontal cross pieces. Oh man, I hate it when that happens.

This is just a scenery shot. I am a California artist, and I appreciate the scenery of my mountains. (Just sayin’, in case Mr. Google has started to forget me.)

Lookie! The first deck slab is in place! (See the floating Marshmallow??)

This hardworking Marshmallow Head is using a rock bar to set the carriage bolt into the slab.

Here comes another one. These units weigh “several hundred pounds”, so a Big Yellow Machine places it with the help of a few good men and one who isn’t wearing proper head garb.

More scenery, because it is just so beautiful.

Guess this will have to be continued tomorrow, because I like the power of keeping you all hanging. Sometimes I am just mean like that. Not only am I mean, sometimes I can’t count either. This problem shows up from time to time in my knitting, and occasionally in my checkbook. In this blog, you may have noticed, as Craig did, that there is no Part 10 in this series.


  1. Melissa, such kind words to a middle-aged-mush-brain! Thank you!

    Diane, I agree that a group photo on the bridge with all the Marshmallow Heads would have been nice. Alas, many of them were seasonals whose last day was the day the bridge was completed and much chaos and rushing around took place, so such photo occurred.

  2. Go Marshmallow Heads! Beautiful scenery …

    This calls for a group picture (with Timber Gap in the background, of course) of all the Marshmallow Heads when project is completed … and, save the tape for ‘ribbon cutting’ –

  3. Hi Jana,

    I did notice there was no part 10 but who cares! Your diligent, intelligent, and lovely way with words brightens the day. Love the pics of the mtns! Thanks

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