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Decisions and choices

When the mural was happening, each day was predictable to some degree. There was no confusion as to the day’s task – paint from left to right, top to bottom, back to front. Now that I am back in my studio, each day there are a multitude of tasks to be prioritized. Draw or paint? Paint this or that? Finish a painting or get started on a new one so it has time to dry? Return phone calls or update the website? Then someone comes along and says “Let’s have lunch!” Or “looks like you need to sweep your front step!” And each time I return to the house to use the facilities or to check for an incoming email, either the studio phone rings as I am leaving, or I get caught up in chores inside the house and forget I am supposed to be working! It is no mystery to me why people rent studio space apart from their homes. And although the commute got old fast, it was simpler to just be gone each day with one task to be completed. My Oh-so-wise Dad used to say, “Life is a series of decisions and choices”.trail.jpg You can see that I am continuing on this trail painting – I love trail scenes.valley.jpgThis is the beginning of a new painting for a show focused on Yokohl Valley. THANK YOU to all my students who helped me choose which scene to paint!

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