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Coloring Book Cover

Heart of the Hills

The order has been submitted, the proof has been approved, the job has been paid for, and now I eagerly await the arrival of the new coloring book.

It is listed on my website, but I can’t make it behave properly. When it is time to order your copy, try the website and if it won’t work, email me, call me, or post a comment in the blog to let me know you’d like to order one.

P.S. I even ordered envelopes so I can mail them out to people who don’t live nearby.

P.S. #2 This is a coloring book drawn and designed by me of Three Rivers, Sequoia and Mineral King to show off the best of our hills and mountains. Each drawing has a hidden heart, thus the title: Heart of the Hills.


  1. Jana, this looks wonderful! I haven’t gotten into the coloring craze myself but have a couple of friends who have. So glad you thought to do this. Way to go! And Happy Easter, by the way, my friend! 🙂

    • Cheryl, I didn’t get into the coloring book craze the normal way. NOOOO, had to do it the hard way. . . make my own coloring book! Everywhere I turn, I learn of friends who are into it. And Happy Easter to you as well. I hope your twin-time was fabulous! I thought of you yesterday while gleaning oranges in trees laden with the beginnings of blossoms.

  2. I think I might have to take up coloring just so I can get this book. Does it included coloring pencils? 🙂

    • Heh, heh, Sharon, you can get the book without actually having to color it in. And no colored pencils – I’d have to buy a boatload in order to buy them wholesale, and then everyone would tell me they bought them cheaper on Amazon!

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