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Closing in on it!


 Another morning looking for photos, another redesign on panel #6 with LJ, more toning down of the river, but no brushes or palettes dropped today. I boiled my brains out standing outside observing lichen on rocks – that was fun! (the fact that it is outside my door, not the boiling brains part). Tomorrow I hope to finish the shrubs behind the foreground rocks, the trees on the yellowish hills, and the far right bottom corner. You know what goes there?? Ooh, that will definitely signal The End. Phew! 


  1. Very nice!, can’t wait to see it in person. You really have a knack for capturing the

  2. Congratulations on a great job! I’m so impressed. Looks like you really worked hard on it and maybe had some fun too.

  3. Great work today, Jana! Closing in for sure. I’ll try to drop by sometime tomorrow, if only to gather in the feeling of pleasure for how it all is turning out.

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