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Broken camera

When I bought my digital camera, I successfully avoided several things: research, decisions, reading the owner’s manual. A friend of a friend was selling hers, and without asking too many questions (megapixels? what means that??), I paid her and then spent a day on the trail with her teaching me how to use it.  The party is over. I am reading stuff in magazines, catalogs and online. It is all just words on paper, because until I see what is available at Mike’s Quality Cameras in Visalia, there is no point in choosing a camera. Turns out 3.2 megapixels is a joke in Camera-land. Guess it is time to get a Big Girl camera. Here’s what I don’t get: if our stuff is outdated about every 2-3 years, is it expected that we will buy new phones, cameras, computers, refrigerators, water heaters, printers, ipods, et cetera every 2-3 years?? Who has that kind of money? Who has that kind of time to read and understand all those owner’s manuals? Who wants to figure out to do with all the old stuff that is still good?? Not this little gray duck. Here, look at this nice photo that I took before my camera broke:pict0010_1.jpg  See? there is nothing wrong with 3.2 megapixels!! (so there)

1 Comment

  1. AMEN!AMEN!AMEN! You took the words right out of my mouth concerning technology!!!! That’s what I hate about technology. By the time I get this computer paid off next year, it too will be obsolete. Disgusting, truly disgusting. Nat.

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