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Blog Behavior

No pictures today just yet – this is about posting to the blog.  I don’t know what the deal is with this WordPress thing, but quite a few of you tell me you have trouble with it. Sometimes you try to post for the first time and it kicks you off. Funny thing is, some of those posts actually show up waiting for me to approve or delete them! Sometimes you think your post got rejected so you post again, and those show up too! I’m looking into it, trying to get those with trouble to describe the trouble to me so I can pass it to my web designer, Maren. She is wonderful, by the way!

1 Comment

  1. Jana !!
    I only just became aware of your weblog (I am a little slow) but I think it is
    not only beautiful but a great idea to follow the progress of the mural. We are
    all watching with interest as our favorite peaks come into view and loving it.
    We also are very proud you are doing our favorite subject and congratulate you
    on being chosen. (who else ??)
    Watching with love, Mary Pat

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